Version 1 Radiator - Parts and Assemblies
1. Radiator of the cooling system: after replacement, change the coolant
2. Coolant hose: lift retaining clip to remove
3. Mounting bracket
4. O-ring: replace
5. Coolant temperature sender at radiator outlet -G83-
6. O-ring: replace
7. Coolant hose: lift retaining clip to remove
8. O-ring: replace
9. Coolant hose: lift retaining clip to remove
10. Upper Radiator Support: If the mounting breaks, the upper radiator support does not need to be replaced; replace the mount with a special screw
11. Radiator of the boost circuit
12. Capacitor
13. Lower radiator support
14. O-ring: replace
15. Coolant hose: lift retaining clip to remove
16. O-ring: replace
Note: The arrows on the pipes and the ends of the coolant hoses must be opposite each other.
Radiator version 2 - parts and assemblies
1. Coolant hose: lift the retaining clip to remove
2. O-ring: replacement
3. Coolant and charge air cooler: change coolant after replacement
4. Coolant hose: lift the retaining clip to remove
5. O-ring: replacement
6. Coolant hose: lift the retaining clip to remove
7. O-ring: replacement
8. Capacitor
9. Upper radiator support: if the mounting breaks, the upper radiator support does not need to be replaced; replace the mount with a special screw
10. Radiator bottom support
11. O-ring: replacement
12. Coolant hose: to remove, lift the retaining clip
Note: The arrows on the pipes and the ends of the coolant hoses must be opposite each other.
Version 3 Radiator - Parts and Assemblies
1. Coolant hose: lift the retaining clip to remove
2. O-ring: replacement
3. Radiator of the boost circuit
4. Coolant hose: lift the retaining clip to remove
5. O-ring: replacement
6. Coolant hose: lift the retaining clip to remove
7. O-ring: replacement
8. Radiator of the cooling system: after replacement, change the coolant
9. Capacitor
10. Upper radiator support: if the mounting breaks, the upper radiator support does not need to be replaced; replace the mount with a special screw
11. Lower radiator support
12. O-ring: replacement
13. Coolant hose: to remove, lift the retaining clip
Note: The arrows on the pipes and the ends of the coolant hoses must be opposite each other.