Note: Before checking or repairing, check all air connections and vacuum lines for tightness and tightness.
1. coolant hose
2. 15 Nm: self-tapping; bait by hand and screw in so that the bolt goes through the old thread; then tighten the bolt to the prescribed torque
3. coolant hose
4. coolant hose
5. Radiator for air cooling (intercooler): change coolant after replacement
6. Seal
7. Gasket: replace
8. Intake manifold
9. Bolt
10. O-ring: replace
11. Intake air temperature sender -642- / intake manifold pressure sender -G71-
12. Charge pressure sender -G31-/Intake air temperature sender 2 -G299-
13. O-ring: replace
14. Air duct
15. Pipe
16. O-ring: replace
17. O-ring: replace
18. 7 Nm: self-tapping; bait by hand and screw in so that the bolt goes through the old thread; then tighten the bolt to the prescribed torque
19. Mounting bracket: air nozzle
20. Throttle valve control unit -J338-
21. O-ring: replace
22. Gasket, 4 pcs: replace