1. Remove the steering wheel (Chapter 13).
2. Remove the steering column from the car (Chapter 14).
3. Turn off and remove a coupling bolt, then remove an intermediate shaft from grooves of the top shaft of a steering column; notice the spring and gasket (see photo).
4. Using suitable pliers, remove the retaining ring from the upper end of the steering column tube, remove the gasket and remove the upper steering column shaft with lower bearing: Tighten the steering wheel nut temporarily to protect the threads.
5. If the bearing at the top end of the tube is worn, it can be removed using a special bearing puller. Note the depth of the bearing; and when installing, hammer it with a hammer and socket (which must rest only on the outer ring of the bearing) to the depth marked during removal. If required, the lower bearing can also be carefully knocked off the upper shaft; and when installing, hammer it with a hammer and a socket, which should rest only on the inner ring.
6. Carefully inspect the universal joints; if there is play or wear in the joints, the entire layshaft assembly must be replaced.
7. Inspect the grooves at the end of the top shaft; replace the shaft if the grooves are worn or damaged.
8. Assembly is made in the reverse order of removal. Apply a thin layer of grease to the shaft before installation.