1. The oxygen sensor is screwed into the downpipe of the exhaust system ahead of the catalytic converter.
2. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
3. Disconnect the l-probe wiring connector. The connector is fixed in a bracket mounted on the thermostat housing. If two connectors are fixed in the bracket, then the lower one will be needed. After unplugging the connector, release the plug from the bracket.
Note. Since part of the wiring harness is built into the sensor housing, you will need a special ring wrench with a split head to turn the latter out. Working under the vehicle, unscrew the l-probe from the exhaust system section. Take care not to damage the sensitive working element of the sensor.
1. Lightly lubricate the sensor threads with anti-seize sealant. In no case should sealant be allowed to get on the working element of the sensor.
2. Install the sensor in your housing and tighten it to the required torque. Restore the original wiring connection. The readers' attention should be drawn to the fact that l-probes of various types, which are not interchangeable, can be installed on different vehicles.